Thursday, 5 February 2015

Narrative Change

We have decided to change the narrative for a number of reasons. Firstly, the amount of actors we would have needed if we decided to use dolls would have been unreasonable, and very difficult to arrange timings, because we attempted to but costs to all get to one place when we all lived in different places and the practicality of all being free at the same time all played a part in it. Also, it would be very difficult as first time media students to create very realistic looking dolls and manage to make a very good narrative that a wide audience could understand. All of these reasons are why we decided to simplify the plot and just use two actors, a male ans a female. We kept the idea of the main character being killed so we have the same genre as before (psychological thriller), but the narrative has changed slightly but it hasn't changed the target audience or the audience pleasures or anything like that. This will hopefully help us to get a slightly higher grade, because we can spend more time with less actors helping them to create a very realistic opening, and it will be easier to edit and sort out when there is less people acting, and also it means whilst filming we are less likely to get distracted.

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