Hazard: How to get over it: Rating of hazard:
Falling over some tree branches Tell all of the actors they need to 7/10
or tripping over tree roots. take care when running in the
woods and keep a health and
safety kit with us at all times.
Being stung by something such make sure all actors and filmers 4/10
as a bee or stinging nettle, could inform the person in charge that
involve an allergic reaction and they have any allergies and keep
be dangerous an epipen on them at all times.
Members of the public walking Inform all members of public about 2/10
past through the filming process what is going on and if they have any
and having concerns concerns to refer to our teacher or school
Animals coming into contact with Make sure all members of the team 2/10
people involved, or damaging the are alert at all times/
filming equipment.
things being stolen from members Keep all of our property with us all 4/10
of the public, because it is a public the time and make sure we keep a
place and we might not be in control watchful eye on our equipment
of everything all the time. around other people
Wet floor on the ground from the Make sure the members of the team 5/10
night before are aware of the damp conditions
and walk carefully
Using sticks as props- could keep a fist aid kit with us at all times 3/10
potentially harm someone if used and make sure all of the actors are
incorrectly aware they shouldn't touch the other
actors with the sticks
filming in the house: risks could keep risk to a minimum by being 3/10
include falling down stairs, very careful where actors walk
or tripping over things indoors.
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